Vote to Revitalize Brockport

Vote to Revitalize Brockport

Margay Blackman for Mayor

Margay Blackman
Fair-minded problem solver


An optimist sees opportunities in challenges. 
As Brockport’s mayor, I will continue to be an optimist.

A Lifelong Learner. As a village trustee since 2011, I have come to know our village in depth as I:

• Worked on the village budget, focusing on department needs, not wants
• Discussed economic development when touring KleenBrite with its new owner
• Wrote the Village codes for trees and vegetation
• Learned about the village infrastructure from the DPW
• Rode along with the police on night shifts
• Organized the first community-involved Erie Canal opening Festival May 1-5, 2013.
• Served as a board liaison with the:
            -Brockport Fire Department             -Historic Preservation Board
            -College at Brockport                       -Downtown Merchants
            -Walk! Bike! Brockport!                    -Brockport Farmers Market
            -Department of Public Works          -Tree Board

A Problem Solver.  As a researcher and former teacher, I do my homework.  I welcome different opinions, value open communication and cooperation, and am not afraid to change my mind on issues when it better serves the community.  I have brought three grants to the Village; found an agency to collect accumulated unpaid Village parking tickets; got yearly reimbursement from the College at Brockport for closing Kenyon Street; and promoted hiring a grant writing firm for non-tax revenue.

A Team Player/Networker.  The Village Board members are my partners. Each has special interests, talents and knowledge, contributing to an effectively-run government. As mayor, I will reach out to other Monroe County village mayors and adjacent town supervisors to consult on matters of mutual interest. 

A Game Changer.  As mayor, I will make changes including:
  • Conduct village board meetings with civility and respect for fellow board members and citizens
  • Appoint a deputy mayor
  • Fill committee and board vacancies in a timely manner—with capable volunteers who want to serve
  • Plan the annual budget earlier
  • Collaborate with the Trustees to produce one mutually-agreed-upon initial budget for public comment

Together IS Better! 

Photo Copyright 2013, G. Emerson Photography, all rights reserved.